Pingo ergo sum. - I paint, therefore I am.
Helen Fernández Camazón, artistically called Helen, was born on August 13, 1973 in San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa. From the age of 2, she modeled her being in Valladolid, which is why she adopts the name of Valladolid.
By profession Draftsman. She in self-taught art and at the same time the daughter of the prestigious painter and discoverer of Flammagraphy Vicen, by which she has been impregnated since she is born from the knowledge of her father and learns his technique.
She masters the techniques of oil, pencil, pastel, watercolor and Flammagraphy. But she is because of the oil that she opts for, because of her strength, she believes it is the queen of techniques.
Member of:
• Unión Artística Vallisoletana, President.
• A.E.P.E. (Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors), Madrid.
• Associació Cultural Projecte Desat’Art Barcelona